A New Art Exhibit!

One weekend in October, I happened to be at my local library while they were having an exhibit opening. Last year at this time, the library was not having any exhibits. So, I looked in and wondered around looking at the art. At the refreshment table, I was greeted by a smiling group of volunteers who run the Friends of the Library group. I learned that not only was the library open for artists to exhibit their work, but the Friends of the Library hosts an opening party for each exhibit. I gave them a few of my postcards and they told me who to call to get on the exhibit schedule. And, as the saying goes,…I’ve got an art exhibit scheduled for January 2023!

The library admin who I spoke with said that they would be putting it in their newsletter but it was really up to me to get people in the door.

I decided that I needed a task list of things I to do. List in hand, I went backwards from the exhibit date and tried to put everything on my list into the week that it would need to be done by. I read somewhere that you should start advertising for an event 45 days before the event. I discovered that although I am 71 days before the Exhibit Opens, I have lots of prep work that will make the last 45 days easier. Like creating a FLYER for the event. When I started my day yesterday, I didn’t know what I was going to title the Exhibit or what the flyer should look like.

I made lists of synonyms for possible words, I talked it over with my husband, I sent out an SOS in my Facebook Group, and I made a flyer with a title I wasn’t happy with. Finally, after lunch, I circled back with my husband and after reading all the words off and looking at my flyer, he suggested Featured Creatures.

I was looking for a title that would include all of the categories of paintings that I have done in the past 2 years: Historical creatures, aliens, robots, and a lone outside the box Octopus. Of everything, I think Featured Creatures does it.

So Save the Date and mark your calendars because Featured Creatures: The Whimsical Art of Pamela Hanks will be opening on January 21st. Reception will be from 1-3 pm at the Portland Library 20 Freestone Ave. Portland, CT


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