Interactive Kids Art Installation

Just after the New Year, I installed an interactive art exhibit in the Portland Public Library. What went up on the wall was three grids with a unique letter and number in each rectangle. It also included some fun aliens around the border that were very interested in what was going on.

The way the library patrons interact with the exhibit is to request a tile from a librarian. Each tile has a drawing. The back of the drawing has the corresponding letter-number code and which direction is up. The patrons then use a key that comes with the tile to color in the tile according to the value on the key. The library has a set of markers that I’ve assigned a number to. It’s like color by number except that there are only 3 numbers for the 39 markers that are available. I’ve divided the markers up into 3 values. That frees up the patron to choose their favorite colors from the corresponding numbers to color the tile.

I built it on the concept that you can use any color you want so long as you have the value correct. I tried it out on a smaller scale before we launched and I got really worried. The values weren’t working well. I tweaked which markers were in the lightest group and which were in the darkest group. The middle group (the 2’s) have the most variety. and 1’s and 3’s have fewer choices. I had my kids test it for me and after a couple more changes, I let it go out into the world all on it’s own.

Today I got an email from the head of the Children’s Department with some pictures of how it is coming along so far. And I breathed a sigh of relief. So far, so good. The lights are light and the darks are dark. And you can see the pictures that are emerging. Take a look:

Image 1: January 27, 2022

Image 2: January 27, 2022. Oh and really like what B22 did when they colored their piece. So cool. And take a look at B41. They added their own shapes. I love it!

Image 3. January 27, 2022. This so so cool. You get to see the scribbles and the careful coloring as well as the artistic flair! I’m giddy with delight. I’ve always wanted to have an art installation!

If you want to have this interactive art installation come to your library, let me know HERE


Hitting a Wall


Imagery: The Language of Shape