Every class I take, and every conference I attend, I always come back with at least one thing that I learn or something I”m inspired to do.
While I was at the SCBWI 24 Conference in NYC a few weeks ago, I looked at a dummy book from a fellow attendee. A dummy is a book that the artist makes up of all the illustrations that go into a book. It’s a miniature book but instead of finished illustrations, there are just sketches of what you are thinking will go in the book.
As I looked through her book, one spread caught my attention long enough to tell her that she draws hands well. I asked her what tip she could give me on drawing hands better. She said, “Draw lots of hands.”
Isn’t that always the advice?
How can I be a better storyteller? Tell more stories.
How do I get to be better painter? Paint more.
How can I get better at eating pizza? EAT MORE PIZZA.
I had already identified that I am weak on drawing hands.
If there was one thing that I could do that would make illustrating art easier or unnecessary, it would be learn how to draw hands. I set a goal to draw 1000 hands.
Then I decided it would be more fun for my audience and I’d learn how to use watercolor better if I colored them with watercolor. I’m getting better at drawing them and I’m getting better with my watercolor.
On Day 1: I just added a wash of color.
Day 2: I added some purple shadows.
And today I tried to lift out some paint from the highlight side of the hands. I also tried to embrace the imperfection that watercolor can be. (Especially since I am using a student grade palette with a really cheap brush from Michaels.)
I’m currently at 71 hands. Almost 10% of my goal! If you want to keep up with my progress, I’ll be posting on Instagram @pamela.hanks come follow me!
Here are my favorite from this week: